Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The troubles

As we could saw in the presentations, some groups talked about the UK, but they not included Ireland as the Republic, they just included the Northern Ireland. I want to exposed why there's a problem between the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland.
To add, I want that you listen to a song about this "war" between this two parts of that "country".
This kind of war started on the '60. And the central problem was the political status of Ireland and also, because the religion.
The Northern Ireland is protestant and the Republic of Ireland is Roman Catholic. The first part of the country mentioned wanted to keep the links with the UK, in other way, the Republic of Ireland wanted to be independent from the UK. This conflict made that people started to use guns and violence between them. This happened since 1960 until 1998 when the two parts signed an agreement called GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT which consists in a peaceful end of the civil war. But, sadly this doesn't end,f there's still some people who are not agree with this.

In the final image we can see a mural of The IRA is the Irish Republican Army and was a radical group of volunteers that wanted the independence of the UK. This Army used the violence to keep their interests.
Even still this civil war exits, the people learnd how to live in peace with the Northern Ireland even when they don't want the same things.
Enjoy the song and the topic :) 

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