Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Have you ever heard of the "Apartheid"? Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa which was imposed by the British and Dutch settlers. It was named that way because in Afrikaans (a Germanic language derived from Dutch) means "separation”.  It consisted of a series of measures to be divided into groups based on their race to the South African people in order to achieve a path to "development".

Throughout the history of South Africa, this nation suffered by racial segregation and domination of the white race. But it was in 1950 when the apartheid system was adopted as an official policy that classified people into four groups: whites, blacks, Indians and mulattos. One of the first laws banned marriage between whites and other races. Then came many more laws that ruled that blacks could not vote or hold public office much less, and others that even certain areas of residence were determined to avoid racial mixing.

The rights of blacks and people of other races were almost entirely suppressed: there were several entrances to public buildings (one for white people and one for black), there passes that blacks could entering areas or areas of white and vice versa, and education course was not equal for everyone (It was banned for black people).

There was reluctance on the part of black people but also white minority. One of the main groups that opposed Apartheid was led by Nelson Mandela: the African National Congress. Unfortunately, the resistance suffered several hard blows when the March 21, 1960 the police opened fire killing 69 protesters.

South Africa had to wait February 1990, when Frederik De Klerk became president and announced that it would begin a process of elimination of discriminatory laws and lift the ban against banned political parties including the main and most significant black opposition party), which had been declared illegal 30 years before, ending apartheid.

Do you think that discrimination suffered by South Africa is the same or less severe than happens in Chile with gays or foreigners?


  1. "One of the first laws banned marriage between whites and other races", isn't it awful? Nowadays you can marry someone that it's not necessary your culture but can you imagine not being able to do it because your boyfriend or girlfriend has a different skin colour? In Chile we are having the same problems but not with culture, only with same-sex couples. Should we be against or just let them be and marry if they want to? we are not being educated for it but we should so in the future we will not discriminate anyone. Thank you very much for your post Ariel.

    1. I think our country is not even close to allow gay marriage, some can't even stand same-sex couples. I believe it's not only a tolerance issue but a cultural matter just because there are several signs in our society that show us that Chile isn't ready for that, for instance bear in mind that most of our population is based on Christian values. Just imagine the damage that some same-sex parents kids may suffer just because of discrimination against their parents status. I'm not against gay marriage but from my point of view we are far away from that to happen. Thanks to Ariel for his very interesting entry.

    2. Maybe many don't tolerate, many may be angry but gay marriage and adoption by parents homoparental is right and necessary. The isn't preparation for that in Chile, but is the only way to make and create a fairer society. Thank you very much for your comments guys!

    3. I love to learn more about this topic, because it is difficult for me to believe that all this was true.
      It is just something evil to me,
      In that times it was much worse, but we still have too much discrimination left in our times.
      How can a human treat someone like that? How can anybody think that white people are a better race than the others?... when in my opinion they are beyond better than us in many ways.
      It is good to post things like that so we get more information about what happened and makes us reflect more about this awful things that still happening nowadays in many countries..
