Saturday, March 23, 2013


This is my favourite song, it's from Of monsters and men.
It's about a friendship or a relationship which ends and now they are missing each other.
I don't know why the video is like it is. But is an awesome video because is like magic.
"Of monsters and men" es un grupo del género Indie Folk de Islandia que nació el año 2010.
I love this song since I don't know 1 month I guess.
And that's it :) This is my favourite song, ENJOY IT!

Valentina Villegas Westwood


  1. Icelandic Folk! I just know Emiliana Torrini and Borko. I like it.

    About the video, I'm not an expert about Icelandic Myths and Legends, but I suppose that the characters, beasts and critters which appear in the video may be related with that. Let me phone a friend to ask him about it.


  2. Ok, I called my friend and he gave me some clues about the video:

    First of all, the lyrics has nothing to do with the clip. It's just an artwork of Mihai Wilson, the video diretor.

    "Five sky-sailors discover a crystal meteor containing a lost mythical female creature. An epic journey through fantastical worlds ensues as the sailors struggle to return her to her people." (

    But, some mythologic creatures from all over the world appears in the video. For example, the Drakkar ship (Nordic), Gargoyls, Native American Totems or Asian animals in the moutains, giant creatures, a kind of Cthulhu, and so on and so for. Also, the male members of the band appear with a kind of tribal painting on their faces.

    Greetings, your majesty! ;)
