Sunday, August 18, 2013

Indian Reservations: More problems than solutions.

United States by means of violence has tried to conquer to Native American people,
having as a single objective
 of steal their culture and independence. This has only caused problems for these indigenous villages that have had a direct impact in different areas, such as the social, cultural, economic, etc.

Reservations, plan proposed by the U.S.,  are territories that are still under a limited sovereignty of the native tribes of North America, occupy about 4% of the territory and are home to more than 500 tribes. These tribes are subject to many abuses on the part of the state and although These native people are still struggling to validate their rights, but the state doens´t do anything to solve this situation.

A clear example of abuses against the native americans, is the case of Lakota indians, which are formed by 7 tribes and located in the “Pine Ridge” reservation. Despite the fact that these aborigines have signed treaties to protect their territorial rights, the state has ignored these agreements, taking almost completely possession of the native territories, with the purpose of taking adventage of the resources that the indian territories have and another purpose is to expand increasingly.

Pine Ridge Flag. This flag  has a circle of nine tepees that represent the nine districts of the reservation.

On the other hand, the state allowed the natives to open casinos and gambling houses in their territories. This has caused that the indigenous  be influenced by these vicious practices, which go hand in hand with alcohol and drugs. In addition, the initial idea of reservation cultural that United States created, has not worked, Currently reservations is rather theme parks, where the tourist pays for the aboriginal represents their ancestral ways of life.


It is clear that the problem that affects the native American people is worrying. Currently modernity is in first, second, third, fourth place, putting aside the ancestral cultures of the planet. If idisappeared these cultures, at the same time we would lose our essence.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable. If it weren't for the book we are reading or this post I had not known what happens with the Indians in America. It's as if everyone knew not value the culture of who live in our land before. Very interesting, good job!
