nowadays society is forgetting how muchimportant life is; you only live once, and that’s what Jason Mraz wants to let us know. Why caring of little problems
when there’s someone out there dying by famine? C’mon, let’s go outside, make a
change and don’t even matter on being sad or upset at something.
This singer is known as a peacemaker and for his priceless song’s lyrics. This one in particular makes you reflex of the wonderful life it is in front of you and he wrote it because of that; he wanted- and he still does it- to open our eyes and make us stop with the selfish lifestyle, with the pity and sorrow feelings and of course with our open mind to suicides (he believes in God so he thinks there’s always a way of solution the troubles, anyway except suiciding, and actually that’s the first solution to most of teenagers). Hear it in every moment you don’t know where you are going or why you are here and its catchy chorus and its powerful meaning will bring you up. Sing it out loud like so many people do it and feel what they feel: their beliefs reborn.
The video it’s a live performance and as usual it has nothing in common with the others. This man follows to the letter his own motto and makes every performance special because he never performs the same way a song.
have its purpose it is sometimes difficult to find it, but it is there.